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Young children at the Brandon Indian Residential School (circa 1908)
Source: Rob McInnes, BR0053
Pioneers on the Forest Fringe: The Wood Economy of the Red River Settlement, 1812-1883
by Thomas Shay
William James Sisler, A Most Unconventional, Conventional Man, Part One: The Educator as a Young Man
by Jim Mochoruk
A Cup of Cold Water: Alfred Kirkness and the Brandon Residential School Cemeteries
by Anne Lindsay, Clare Cook, and David Cuthbert
Edward Worrell Jarvis in Western Canada
by Sam McBride
The Postage Stamp Province
by Gordon Goldsborough
Book Reviews
Gordon W. Smith, A Historical and Legal Study of Sovereignty in the Canadian North: Terrestrial Sovereignty 1870-1939
Margaret Bertulli
Dale Brawn, Paths to the Bench: The Judicial Appointments Process Procedure in Manitoba 1870 to 1950
by Gerald Jewers
Jennifer Bonnell and Marcel Fortin (editors), Historical GIS Research in Canada
by Bill Perry
University Women’s Club of Winnipeg, The First Women of 54 West Gate: Helen Gordon and her Six Daughters
by Blair Philpott
Ian Mosby, Food Will Win the War: The Politics, Culture, and Science of Food on Canada’s Home Front
by Krista Walters
Review Essay: Winnipeg Architecture Foundation Book Series
by Marilyn Baker
Cool Things in the Collection:
The Letter Book of Ralph Blasdale, Winnipeg Real Estate Broker
by Wayne Chan |
Page revised: 15 April 2020