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A 50,000-bushel elevator at Arden, on the CPR Minnedosa Subdivision in the Rural Municipality of Glenella-Lansdowne, was built in 1926 by Manitoba Pool Elevators. In 1952, a 30,000-bushel elevator (purchased from Western Canada Flour Mills in 1940) was moved beside it and converted to an annex. Renovated in 1970, a new 60,000-bushel crib annex was added in 1981. Closed by Agricore in the summer of 1999, it was sold in 2001 to the 80-member Canadian Organic Commodity Marketing Coop then reopened in January 2003, after a period of intensive cleaning, as the first certified organic-only elevator in Manitoba. Closed in 2006, the elevator was purchased by the Rolling Acres Hutterite Colony for its own grain storage needs.
In poor condition, the elevator was demolished in November 2020.
Agent / Buyer
Cyrus H. Lummis (1881-1958)
Clifford Wesley Carrothers (1914-2010)
S. W. Watson
Neil Maurice Boughton (1929-2003)
Raymond Birnie Clayton (?-1991)
Terry Jackson
Former Manitoba Pool B grain elevator at Arden (circa 1978)
Source: Cam Timlick
Former Manitoba Pool grain elevator at Arden (October 2002)
Source: George Penner
Former Manitoba Pool grain elevator at Arden (2014)
Source: Jean McManus
Aerial view of former Manitoba Pool grain elevator at Arden (June 2018)
Source: Gordon GoldsboroughSite Coordinates (lat/long): N50.27650, W99.26857
denoted by symbol on the map above
Manitoba Pool Fonds, S. J. McKee Archives, Brandon University.
“New development could save Arden elevator,” Neepawa Banner, 21 October 2000, page 1.
“Arden organic coop moving ahead,” Neepawa Banner, 15 December 2001, page 1.
“Arden organic facility officially opens,” Neepawa Banner, 25 January 2003, page 1.
Obituary [Neil Maurice Boughton], Winnipeg Free Press, 10 August 2003.
“Arden organic elevator on the block,” Neepawa Banner, 13 February 2006, page 1.
Obituary [Clifford Wesley Carrothers], Winnipeg Free Press, 4 September 2010.
We thank Chuck Terin, Jean McManus, Cam Timlick, Gerrond Davidson, and George Penner for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 19 April 2021
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