Manitoba Business: Manitoba Clinic

In 1946, the Manitoba Clinic was founded in a building at 790 Sherbrook Street in Winnipeg. A plaque listing in the names of the founding physicians was, at the time of a 2016 site visit, affixed to an interior wall in the building.

Founding Physicians

Charles William Burns (1890-1967)

Cecil William Clark (1906-1996)

Alexander McLean Goodwin (1899-1987)

Carl Clifford Henneberg (1906-1986)

Elmer Samuel James (1910-1968)

Hubert Daniel Kitchen (1895-1966)

Malcolm Rutherford MacCharles (1894-1991)

Lawrence Reid Mackey (1904-1976)

John McFaul McEachern (1896-1954)

James William Ross Rennie (1911-1981)

Clarence Benjamin Schoemperlen (1913-1997)

John Allan “Jack” Waugh (1910-1991)

See also:

Manitoba Business: Winnipeg Clinic


Manitoba Clinic: A 50 Year History (1946-1996) by Dr. Ihor Ihven Mayba and Dr. R. L. Cooke, Winnipeg: Henderson Books, 1996.

We thank Jordan Makichuk for providing additional information used here.

This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough and Nathan Kramer.

Page revised: 27 November 2024