The first York Avenue Underpass at this location in Winnipeg was built under the jurisdiction of the Canadian National Railway as an entrance to their East Yard rail yard. The wooden structure featured an undivided roadway with one lane in each direction. In December 1996, in consideration of the upcoming 1999 Pan-Am Games, the City Council decided to replace the underpass. The $11.5 million construction project was part of a $15 million expenditure that also included $3.5 million for nearby roadway upgrades. Funding was provided by the City and the Province of Manitoba and built by M. D. Steele Construction Limited. The new four-lane divided underpass, which features original cobblestones from the former CN East Yard, was opened officially on 19 October 1998 by Urban Affairs Minister Jack Reimer and Mayor Susan A. Thompson. The event is commemorated by a plaque along the southern pedestrian walkway.
The Forks Underpass (July 2018)
Source: Nathan Kramer
The Forks Underpass commemorative monument (July 2018)
Source: Nathan KramerSite Coordinates (lat/long): N49.89053, W97.13449
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Forks of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers (The Forks, Winnipeg)
“Land deal to top $28 million,” Winnipeg Free Press, 13 February 1991, page 1.
“EPC parks Forks driveway plan,” Winnipeg Free Press, 24 February 1996, page A4.
“New entrance planned for site,” Winnipeg Free Press, 12 December 1996, page A4.
“The Forks York Avenue entrance closed,” Winnipeg Free Press, 16 August 1997, page A6.
“Forks underpass contract granted,” Winnipeg Free Press, 14 October 1997, page A7.
“Forks underpass makes grand entrance,” Winnipeg Free Press, 20 October 1998, page A4.
This page was prepared by Nathan Kramer.
Page revised: 16 May 2021
Historic Sites of Manitoba
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