Amy von Keyking

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Amy von Heyking
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Professor, historian.

Amy von Heyking is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Lethbridge. Her research interests include history teaching and learning in elementary schools, and history of school curriculum. She is the author of Creating Citizens: History and Identity in Alberta’s Schools (2006) and co-editor of Becoming a History Teacher.

She has written and edited numerous teaching resources for elementary school social studies, including four volumes of Teaching with Dear Canada and the Social Studies Through Literature series for Scholastic Canada. She currently serves on the editorial board of Canadian Social Studies.

Dr. von Heyking’s current research projects include a classroom-based investigation of the nature and development of children’s historical empathy, and an historical study of faith-based school programs in Alberta.

Her articles for the Manitoba Historical Society:

Teaching Prairie Pasts in 20th Century Alberta and Saskatchewan Schools
Prairie History, Number 12, Fall 2023

Page revised: 15 November 2023