Melvin Littlecrow

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Melvin Littlecrow
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Indigenous elder.

The late Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (FSIN) Senator and Elder Melvin Littlecrow was born on the Whitecap Dakota First Nation in 1942. As a child, he learned how to work with horses from his grandfather Chief Harry Littlecrow, which became a lifelong passion for him. Before his passing in 2021, he generously shared rich oral histories of the community’s work with horses and Pion-Era.

His articles for the Manitoba Historical Society:

Wapaha Sk ̅a Dakota Oyat ̅e Ihduhap ̅i: Widening the Lens on Whitecap Dakota First Nation in Pion-Era Photographs, 1955-1969
Prairie History, Number 8, Summer 2022

Page revised: 2 December 2022